• Awaken Your Potential




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    Maximizing Potential Through Creativity

    EduZ Conference 2024: Transforming Learning in the World of AI

    Bucharest, Romania, August 26-27, 2024

    This conference for over 300 teaching professionals lead to amazing conversations and a sharing of a wealth of tips and tools to find balance in the new AI landscape. I was delighted to give a Flash Talk on Creativity and AI: Strengthening Human Connection and Critical Thinking and a Masterclass on Maximizing Potential Through Creativity.

  • What we offer

    Experiences, Workshops, and Sessions for Lifelong Learners of All Ages

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    Co-creation in context

    Educational project development and management can be overwhelming. We thrive on creating holistic solutions that address a root cause. If you have a project that you need to bring into a local context, I can guide your team through that process before implementation or as part of a pilot launch.


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    Live, Virtual Workshops COMING SOON!

    Learn, Grow, Break Barriers

    Find live, virtual sessions for teachers, parents and learners through the ChalkTalk portal run by my partner e-Services and Technologies. I build each session around the natural rhythms of learning and promote learner-led discovery through mentorship. Check in to see which workshops are currently live or upcoming. Topics ebb and flow with the rhythms around us, so check back frequently.


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    Energetic Health

    Self-awareness of your body, emotions, and mind

    More and more research supports the importance of the health of your subtle bio-field energies. By reinstating your natural energetic circulation and flow, you can counter the effects of the environment that often show up as anxiety, depression, apathy, tiredness, aches, pains, poor focus, etc. I currently offer Reiki and Eden Energy Medicine sessions. More information here.

  • FAQs